Magna Graphic Studios, New York August 1975
Electric Lady Studios, New York September 1975
Record Plant Studios, New York January 1976
1. God Of Thunder (Paul Vocals Version 1) Magna Graphic Studios (August 1975)
2. God Of Thunder (Paul Vocals Version 2) Magna Graphic Studios (August 1975)
3. Detroit Rock City Version 1 Magna Graphic Studios (August 1975)
4. Detroit Rock City Version 2 Electric Lady Studios (3rd September 1975)
5. Sweet Pain Electric Lady Studios (3rd - 6th September 1975)
6. King Of The Night Time World (Version 1) Electric Lady Studios(3rd - 6th September 1975)
7. King Of The Night Time World (Take 2) Electric Lady Studios (3rd - 6th September 1975)
8. Detroit Rock City (Final Mix Vocal Track) Record Plant Studios (January 1976)
9. Detroit Rock City (Final Mix Guitar Track) Record Plant Studios (January 1976)
10. Detroit Rock City (Final Mix Bass Track) Record Plant Studios (January 1976)
11. Ain't None Of Your Business (Outtake) Record Plant Studios (January 1976)
12. Ain't None Of Your Business (Instrumental Outtake) Record Plant Studios (January 1976)
13. Beth (Acoustic) Record Plant Studios (January 1976)
14. Beth (Instrumental) Record Plant Studios (January 1976)
15. Do You Love Me Record Plant Studios (January 1976)
16.Flaming Youth Record Plant Studios (January 1976)
17. God Of Thunder (Gene Vocal Take) Record Plant Studios (January 1976)
18. God Of Thunder (Instrumental) Record Plant Studios (January 1976)
19. Great Expectations Record Plant Studios, New York (January 1976)
20. Beck (original Chelsea demo version of Beth) New York, NY (1970)