Halle des Festes, Lausanne, Switzerland 15th November 1983 ULTIMATE SOUND
1. Intro
2. Creatures of the night
3. Detroit rock city
4. Cold Gin
5. Fits like a glove
6. Firehouse
7. Paul Stanley Guitar Solo
8. Exciter
9. War machine
10. Gimme More
11. Vinnie Vincent Guitar Solo
12. Gimme More (reprise)
13. Gene Simmons Bass solo
14. I love it loud
1. I still love you
2. Eric Carr Drum Solo
3. Young and Wasted
4. Love Gun
5. Black Diamond
6. Lick it Up
7. Rock and Roll All Nite
Paul Stanley - guitar, vocals
Gene Simmons - bass, vocals
Eric Carr - drums, vocals
Vinnie Vincent - guitar