If you're a Zep fan, or even a rock fan, you'll probably have one on your CD or record shelf. ``THE DESTROYER'' is a live sound source that has been enjoyed for a long time, recorded from the 1977 Cleveland performance on a high-quality sound board. The number of released titles may exceed 100 titles. What is recorded this time is the first day of April 27th, when the sound board sound source was left. I would like you to listen to The Destroyer's ``God of Destruction'', which has been stereo demixed using the latest technology, and the separation and localization of each instrument has been rebuilt, completely reborn. I think you will notice a change in the sound source that you are too familiar with just by listening to it. ``Achilles' Last Battle'', which can be listened to in this stereo demix sound quality, is likely to become addictive. Another set includes 3 CDs of sound sources that were recorded in 7.5 inch per second on 10.5 inch reels that were in the Hezekiah Collection. This may not be the definitive SBD or anything like that, but give it a listen.